I get asked all the time (by both women and men) why I’m so dedicated to this topic, why I wrote a book on it, and why I continue to talk about it. After all, I am a man and this is an issue for women to worry about, right? My response is always the same: more than a women’s issue, this is a theological issue that influences how we think about all kinds of other topics, including “who is God?” and what is God’s ultimate plan for the church and world?
Isolating women’s equality as a topic of importance only for women does a great disservice to the church. As I say in my book on the gender paradox, “Both women and men are harmed by and need to seek liberation from patriarchy, male dominance, and any theology or praxis that is less than fully egalitarian.”
There are lots of great blogs, websites, organizations, books, videos, and more that strive for a more egalitarian church. My hope is that this one, partly because it is hosted by a male, will reach some people that haven’t paid attention to this issue before or haven’t been exposed to these other great resources that are primarily hosted, written, or led by women.
Want to help shine the light on the situation women face in the church? Have a painful story to share on what it’s like being a woman in ministry or a positive story of empowerment in your church? We need to hear your voices!
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Joseph (PhD, University of Birmingham) is the author of The Pentecostal Gender Paradox: Eschatology and the Search for Equality.
Since 2015, he and his wife have together pastored Oceanside Community Church on Vancouver Island, where they live with their four children.